Monday, June 25, 2012

First Post!!!

Hi I'm Kasia and yes, I'm finally doing this. I've been saying for a long time that I wanted to start a blog and looks as if I finally did.

I love my home and I spend a lot of time at it keeping busy, or at least trying to. Which is why I have decided to create this blog to share the things I spend my time doing with you so that you might do them too. I'm not really sure what's in store for this blog but I plan on lots of crafting tutorials, pictures of food, and other miscellaneous awesomeness.   


  1. Hi Kasia, would you consider setting it up so your posts can be followed on Pinterest? I already follower several other cooks, quilters, crafters, and teachers over there...

    1. Hello. Thanks so much for your interest. My Pinterest account can be found at and there is a board where I will pin all the happenings of my blog.
